June Journal Template : The Headlines
When the day gets hotter and the night gets longer, that's only because June is here! And also the templates. Hurray!
Start where you are. Use what you have. Do what you can.
The theme I choose for this month is a pastel leaf.
In a place where I live, outside of my window I can see a plentiful new growth leaves. In the afternoon when the sun hit directly to my window the leaves color look a little bit pastel-ly with some gradation. That's where the inspiration came from.
I made a lot of changes from May.
I will not use Vision Board anymore, not because it's bad, I just don't feel it did something. In exchange, I will use Headlines. I know that headlines in journalism have a negative connotation such as being used to exaggerate the news. But in my case, basically, I will use it to highlight events that I found interesting and sentimental throughout the month.